Monday, June 2, 2008

the Great Wall

'Nuff said. Only manmade structure visible to the naked eye from outer space. It's also one of my 101 in 1,001 goals to get my picture taken by/on this wall.

(I did not do this, but I'm secretly glad someone else did)

I took a cable car on the way up, and then slid down on a toboggan. ^^ I figure I can always come back and actually walk the wall sometime, maybe. But I might not ever come to this spot again! Besides, I got enough walking on the stretch of wall I did traverse. Man. :P My legs were shaking toward the end of it. I know, I am weaksauce.

This dude was awaiting me at the bottom.

Goal accomplished!! :D

More scenic shots here.

I've been so torn of late. I found a cute DKNY sundress, but it was $50. I found another cute Anna Sui dress for $20. But neither of them fit me perfectly. Sigh. I also found a big black Chloe leather bag for $220. It is a sad life. ;)

1 comment:

Sam said...

you took a cable car up???

Aren't clothes in China suppose to be cheap? Man, prices sure have gone up.