Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hair salon

Aaaaiiieeeeee, I need to get better at keeping up with blogging. I just have so much to do every day (as well as so much I should be writing for our group blog and my assignments/stories). After you add in random volunteering time I spend for my teammates as well as photo shooting and editing, there's very little juice left in my brain for introspection.

But here are pics. At this rate I'll be forced into pursuing a career in photography - I have so many more clips. :P

We've had a couple of very chill days of late. It's been raining - our events have also been canceled so we have free days. It's great. ^^ I've been trying to catch up on sleep; my throat's a tiny bit sore, so that's bad news. Shopping, though, is good news... or probably also bad news. Who knows, who cares. ;p

We've been seeing a lot of the above around here of late. :P

Total cutie-pies.

Owner of the hair salon I'm profiling

His hair stylists on their daily run around the neighborhood :P

Morning roll call

1 comment:

Unknown said...

why is it that all the stylists are guys? also, at that salon, is there only 1 guy that cuts hair while all the other guys shampoo & blow dry? do they also provide an apt so all the stylists can live together? i remember being told that by the stylists when i was in shanghai. did they massage you while/after they shampooed you?

i'm really curious about the hair salon world in china..hahaha