Last Sunday, I visited Helen at USC.
Flickr caption reads: "Oh, hilly Los Angeles... I wanted so much to love you, but you are so dirtful."
And smoggy. Lauryl, thanks so much for driving me there. <3 You are a sweetheart.
I was pretty enamored with these palm trees. I liken them to club sandwich toothpicks. ...Pinning down the juicy sub that is Hollywood?
While walking down this area... (or the other side of it, rather)...
I was accosted by this lovely thing...
...And we trekked off on a photo safari across campus.
The same water fountain looks completely different...
...with different settings
I miss Century :'( :*
Of course Helen would go back to the Trojans... you Greek UT boys are stupid. Stealing our hearts and all... psh.
But while those boys may feel threatened by USC stealing our Helen...
I'm not too worried.
Because clearly, Texas infiltrates all! Mwahahahahaha.
Private schools apparently have the spare money for beauty of this variety.
I wish I could go here.
Yay! Study abroad!
Kekeke "Don't take my picture!" Sorry, who can resist that siren call?
Okay, I need to attend a school that's 20 minutes from the beach. Seriously.
And that encourages daydreams and naps in random spots.
Or romantic idylls at bewitching sunset.
Yay world!
Catalog prototype. Isn't it very Urban Outfittersy?
Who doesn't love academic life? Besides the academic aspect of it, anyway.
So old-school
Helen fed me well in here and shall forever be blamed for getting me addicted to real frozen yogurt. Like, tangy. *smack smack*
After taking pictures of our treats, we sat and talked for at least a solid hour and a half. We love each other that much.
Then she fed me at the cafeteria. Which was even better. Which is near impossible, because Red Mango was pretty crazily amazing.
Helen bought me a Moleskine and a USC pin. <3 I got her to sign the first page of it. Now my Moleskine is charmed.
Heck, I'm charmed.
Helen, I was so happy to see you when I was in L.A. I love you. <3 Thanks for being you - sparkly, spontaneous, thoughtful, quirky, dreamer, artistic, unique, whimsical, adorable, imaginative, GORGEOUS (don't fight me on this one), loving, sassy. Thanks for our chats. Thanks for the love. Thanks for the exuberance you exhibit. Thanks for your passion for relationships. Thanks for living in the moment. Thanks for looking up to me, even though I don't deserve it... because you make me strive to be a better person. I look up to you too.
I love how we get together and babble like lovestruck schoolgirls over how much we love God. I love how you can't see any bad in those you love. I love how you look forward, not back. I love how mature you are for your age - wise, yet not boring. I love hearing your thoughts. I love seeing your life through your blog. I love your dreams. I love how we already know we're going to be friends for keeps.
You're wonderful. <3 Photo date in Austin, January. It's a promise.
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